The Journey is by far the most important part of the path to either your success or failure. It's what you do everyday that determines where you will end up. The most important thing to remember about the journey is that failure can only occur if you Quit! You will fall down on your journey! It's inevitable! There is much for you to learn to achieve your goals and its ok if you mess up and fall down. The point to remember on the journey is to simply KEEP GOING even if you feel that you've failed! If that Goal is important enough, DON'T STOP, keep going!
Quick FREE Activity: Think about what you do everyday...are your current Habits taking you where you want to be? Think about your worst Habit that is holding you back in your life right now, write down the worst thing that could happen if you continue down this path with this habit. Write down why you commit today to stop practicing this bad habit.