Breaking old ugly habits can be hard, but very rewarding when you can push through and finally see some results. Here, I discuss some of the old ugly habits I have struggled with breaking.

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Intermittent Fasting, Toning, AND Building Muscle...How it all works together for me

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I Love you, Lanaya! Thank you for always being such a great helper, always!!

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My 60 day body transformation!! I still have a way to go to get to my goals. But, I feel so accomplished! I've pushed through and I've made it to 60 Days :-)

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The Mindset I had to develop to achieve my Goals, Goals, #GOALS

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I'm excited, this Sloppy to Shapely journey has really fired me back up in ways I didn't think it would. I absolutely recommend that you go on a journey to transform yourself too!

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Take a Leap of Faith Today. A Call to action!

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I'm working out to feel lighter, free, and more confident in my bikini! I want to have nice definition in my body and be proud of what I have! I only get one body, so I want to make it the best I can!

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I am getting better everyday! Today I am better than I was yesterday!

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