10 May

Goals, Goals, #GOALS

A Goal by definition is the destination of a journey...

I've always felt ambitions and have always given good effort in areas I cared about.  I can honestly say I never really wrote down any goals until I was 24- 26 years old.  I drifted through life having in my mind what I wanted and taking the steps where I needed to, but never really writing down any hard goals, or things I wanted to achieve.  This method did work out for me for a while I must say.   I can say that during this time, my manifesting abilities were fluid and personal.  I believed in who I was and I benefited greatly off of my real innate beliefs at the time.

When real questions began to surface about what I truly wanted out of life, all I could do was answer truthfully.  Was this the life that I truly wanted to live?  Or was it time to be honest and realize I was living the dream someone else had for me?  Were these my goals?  What were my goals?  To be the head of my class, to go off to college, to obtain the highest form of education I can get, to get a good job??? 

There is so much in deciding on a goal!  Decide on Goals that match your potential, not your current circumstance.  While I was drifting through life I still had the ability to achieve great things, but to be honest they weren't my only dreams!  There were other things I wanted to achieve.  It's not until I got serious with myself and decided to be specific about what I Want and Need that I got clarity in my vision.  It wasn't until I started writing my goals down, specifically, with set dates that I started moving down the path of what I really want out of life.  Write your Goals Down!

I decide on BIG GOALS, but then I also remember I have to do the work to get to that Goal!  Remember the Goal is the destination of a journey...so when you think about your goals, think about what journey you are willing to go on!  Are you willing to do the necessary work to get to where you want to be?  If you are, write down an action plan!  Write down a goal and all the steps you can take, all the easy, and hard things you can do to get that goal accomplished!

--Laneece aka Coach Lyfe

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