01 Jan

Are you Thinking of a Master Plan?  Do you have an idea in mind that you know could help a lot of people, create real value in the world, and/or make you some extra bucks or some big bucks?  Yet, for some reason, you have yet to make a move on your master plan.  You have an idea in mind but nothing to show for it.  Well here are the 5 ways to Stop simply Thinking of a Master Plan and Start Doing! 

 1. Vision Boarding

Creating a vision board is a great way to take the ideas out of your mind and start to form them on paper.  A vision board can help you to clarify your thoughts by choosing images that represent what you're thinking and what you want.  Using a vision board can also help you focus on your plan, when you spend time focusing on your vision board the images will serve as inspiration, helping you to come up with even more ideas to actually enact your master plan.

A great tip for vision boarding is to organize your board with techniques like categories or feng shui bagua.  Techniques like categories or feng shui bagua will help you in making sure you cover all the important aspects of your life and your master plan.  

After you create your vision board, spend time with it daily.  Vision boards are fun to create, but are much more beneficial when used regularly.  The images you choose for your vision board should inspire you and motivate you to take those small steps daily that you need to take to get you to your goals.

2. Mini Habits

Speaking of taking small steps daily, 'mini habits' is another great way to Stop Thinking of  Master Plan and Start Doing!  Remember, baby steps still move you forward!  So why not start taking steps, no matter how small they are, to actually see some progress!

"Mini Habits; Smaller Habits, Bigger Results" by Stephen Guise is one  of the self development books that completely changed the game for me.  This book brought me to the realization that I can take small steps and still see big change in my life.  

In this book, Stephen Guise tells his personal story of his exercise journey.  He recounts being overwhelmed when striving to do a 30minute workout.  Like so many other people, he needed a way to get motivated and stay motivated to workout.  When he realized he did not necessarily need to finish a 30 minute workout to feel accomplished, things began to change for him.  What if he just did 1 push up instead of an entire 30 minute workout?  Sounds almost like a joke.  But this is exactly what he did!  Instead of setting a goal to finish a 30min workout daily, his goal was simply 1 push up daily.  This was a goal that was so easy for him to achieve that by completing it daily it built up his confidence and built momentum for him to complete even bigger and better goals.

Add mini habits into your own daily routine.  What is the smallest, easiest step you can take daily to start you in the direction of your desires?  Instead of setting your goal high, set a small goal that you know you can and will achieve!

3. Read and Write to Learn

Another extremely beneficial method to Stop Thinking of a Master Plan and Start Doing, is to read and write to learn more!  No matter what you are interested in doing you can always become more valuable by learning more.  

Read!  Read as much as you can in your area of interest.  Stay up to date on changing policies or new trend setters in the areas that interest you.  Find a role model that has done what you want to do and read everything you can about their career.   Read about their ups and downs, their award worthy moments and their downfalls, just learn as much as you can.  While you read take notes.  Have a notebook dedicated strictly to your Master Plan and notes.

A great way to ensure you are retaining what you learn is to write it down as if you need to teach it to someone else.  Learning by teaching others is said to be extremely beneficial, so use this to your advantage.  Take some of your notes and share them with a friend or family member to teach what you are learning and in the end better learn it yourself.

4. Get Feedback from those in the Industry

This is a powerful tip that will certainly take you from a place of simply Thinking of a Master Plan to Doing!  Get Feedback from people who are already in the industry!  This is a great way to begin to make connections in the industry you are interested in.  As they say "your network= your networth" so don't be afraid to begin to create valuable connections with real people.

Even if you don't have your idea complete, there are plenty of ways to get feedback.  You can Create a trailer or an Outline of your idea.  Make sure your outline includes all the necessary information on your idea, and of course be sure to include your name, number and email address!  (You want them to be able to contact you for any questions or suggestions)

You may be a bit weary of sharing your ideas in the early stages and that is ok.  Do not get caught up in the idea that everything has to be perfect before you begin to get feedback.  Getting feedback first could save you from taking unnecessary steps or falling into pitfalls that only an insider in the industry can warn you about.

5. Get Feedback from prospective clients

Last, but certainly not least, get feedback from prospective clients.  This is another powerful tip that can really give you a leg up on any competition.  When you talk directly to the market, you begin to make 2 valuable connections: 1. the market begins to see you and your business as one that cares about their opinion; and 2. you get insights that you would not have gotten otherwise.  

When you start to understand the desires and frustrations of your potential clients, you can respond to what they really need and not just what you think they want and need.  Of course, every good business offers a solution to a problem.  When you talks straight to prospective clients, you start to see what the real problem is and you get an idea of the kind of solution your audience is looking for.

Many beginners may not know exactly where to find their prospective clients.  Connect with prospective clients on social media.  Find different groups your client may be apart of and join!  Create a free survey to track the information you are learning.   Use websites like Typeform.com or SurveyMonkey.com to create a free survey.  Give your survey to anyone you meet that seems to be interested in the product or service you have in mind.  On your survey, ask direct questions about what prospective clients want out of your industry, what frustrations they already have about your industry, and what differentiators they would appreciate.  You will be impressed with how much information you can get simply by asking.  People love to share their opinion.  Use this to your advantage.

--Laneece aka Coach Lyfe
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