Do you realize how far you can go by only taking small steps everyday?
If you make Small Smart Choices AND you make those choices Consistently AND you do this for a substantial period of Time= You Will see a Radical Difference in your life, even though you were only making 'small' smart moves.
This is one of my favorite topics of discussion.
Baby Steps Still Move you Forward. But in all honesty, it doesn't matter how, big, small, fast, or slow your steps are, the other factors, Consistency and Time are just as important.
Keep moving forward. Set up a calendar and mark off everyday you perform a specific habit. Try not to break the chain! And don't beat yourself up if you do break the chain. Just immediately do something small but smart as soon as you think about it! This is why picking a small habit may be beneficial. Pick something that you know you can do easily and Celebrate Your Success With that thing!!!!!!!!
Celebrate! It's ok to celebrate your success all day everyday, who else will but you! Feeling like a winner more will only attract more situations where you feel like a winner in your life! "So win! win-win, win-win....f...forget everything else" as the song says lol...
You are made a winner! Small smart choices over time prove you are a winner! Let yourself see the difference only you can make!
So what I'm saying is yeah, even if it's one push up! That still counts as a win for today! But tomorrow do 2 push ups! And if you can do 4 or 6 the next day, Do it! Challenge yourself to get even 1% better everyday. Remember even baby steps move you forward!