01 May

My 30 Day Body Transformation!!

I am enjoying my 30 day results!

I was able to accomplish an overall tighten up and that's exactly what I needed!  

But I promise you, I still have a far way to go to where I want to be!  I love the definition in my legs, arms, and mid section, But I want to have an overall even more defined shape.  I want to really carve out my body and make all my curves pop more!  

My virtual mentor through this process has been none other than the "Hourglass Workout" queen herself, Lyzabeth Lopez!  I'm sure you know of her notorious hourglass figure, but if you don't know her, look her up!  She's everything :-)) and absolutely inspiration for me!  I have very specific goals (I have a vision board with specific measurements in inches) and I really do believe that Lyzabeth's methods have really helped me to get to my goals.  

Now it's all about building on what I have and maintaining!!  I want to find an easy way to ensure I can keep my body at my ideal weight, so I will be testing all kinds of methods and ways to easily maintain my weight and I'm sure I'll be writing plenty of blog post on that subject.  I have been recently trying my own intermittent fasting routine.  It's simple, I basically don't eat after 8-9:30pm.  I shouldn't be eating that late anyway so it really seems to make sense to me.  I struggle with this sometimes.  I really want to stop eating by 8pm flat, but sometimes I catch myself chowing down on something around 9:30pm.  I definitely try not to eat beyond that time, but I feel that this is still very, very late to be up eating.  I think by making a few adjustments to my nightly routine, I can nip this problem in the bud.  

For this next 30 days I am recommitting to not eating after 8pm as well as working out and finishing a full body workout 3-5 days per week.  I'm excited to show my next results!  I can feel my confidence growing back with every line of definition I etch into my body!!! I'm excited, this Sloppy to Shapely journey has really fired me back up in ways I didn't think it would.  I absolutely recommend that you go on a journey to transform yourself too!  No matter where you are, there is always something that you can learn a little better, or grasp a little deeper and I'm a true believer in taking that challenge to stretch yourself and see just how good you can get.  Don't let anyone tell you you're good enough, be even better than that!  Get better and better for YOURSELF!  You will surprise yourself when you see how far you can really go! 

--Laneece aka Coach Lyfe

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