12 Jun

This is my 60 day Body Transformation Update!!!

I'm very proud of my progress!  I have been doing my thing!  Even though I don't make it to the gym Every single day, and even though sometimes I break down and still have my favorite snack ((ICE CREAM SANDWICHess)) I still have achieved a great transformation over the last 60 days.  

Although it sounds cliche and overstated, the thing I really love the most about my transformation is how I feel!  I feel more Confident, I feel much Stronger, and I feel Lighter!!!  

I still have a way to go to get to my goals.  I want my body to be lean and defined!  I love my womanly curves and I will always love the thickness passed down to me from Mama Lynn ((shoutout to my mom :-)) But health has become the most important aspect for me.  

It is so true that as I grow older as a woman and as my body matures I find that things that used to work no longer work and new techniques get me the results I am looking for.  This is why even though I have developed a set routine at this point, I am still EXTREMELY open to changing my routine.  I realize that every current moment is simply A PHASE and as I grow and continue to use my routines I must try new things to Shake things up, Keep things fresh, and Grow by stretching myself as much as possible.  

I love weight lifting and this has been my thing over the last 60 days.  Dumbbells, kettle-bells, barbells, presses, extensions, all weighted, I love them all.  But now I have incorporated a ton more cardio as well as: stretching and even dancing :-)  I have found that by pushing through my feelings about cardio, how much I hate cardio and how much I don't want to do it, acknowledging those feelings and letting them go, and making a DECISION to simply DO my cardio anyway despite my feelings, I have started to enjoy it.  Now, don't get me wrong, cardio is still not my favorite thing in the world, but I feel so much more accomplished when I simply push through and finish it, rather than making some excuse and not doing it.

I'm feeling gooooood :-)  Here are a few transformation pics...


Before the transformation...

and now =

I can't wait for 90 days at this point! I'm on my way up!


aka Coach Lyfe 

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