I never thought that I would deal with suicidal thoughts. But it happened for me and got worse. I pray that my words here can provide the love and support that someone out there may need right now; you are needed in this world=you are absolutely Unique; I love you, you will always be loved! -- Laneece

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How to Use Your Time Wisely and Develop yourself in the Areas that Interest YOU!

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Tony Robbins is one of those classic characters that I'll just have to meet and interview in person some time soon ;-) He has been my virtual mentor for Years at this point! His fired-up, style of making his point winds me up and gets me going! I can feel the passion when he speaks and I use these moments to recognize my personal passions as well. I certainly recommend his material. Below are 2 questions I have picked up that he re-iterates time and time again in his body of work.

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How to Control Emotion when Striving to Achieve Your Life Goals: Simply break it down into 3 Ideas

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3 Tips I Use to Take Action with Good Habits! Habits are a great way to take regular action. When you decide to 'make a habit' of something positive, you can be sure to eventually see some positive change!

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"If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much." Jim Rohn. This above quote has influenced my life in many ways over the past few years. It's almost like I have always known I had the power to totally design my own life. But, instead of consciously using my power, my life floated in a state of reacting and responding to external events...

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Unique fact...as humans we can choose our own Purpose. What do you choose to be daily?

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3 Quick Tips I have used to always create a Powerful Presentation as a Public Speaker.

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Don't stay complacent, just dreaming! Make Plans that are worth your hard work and Work those Plans to the Very End!

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Are you Thinking of a Master Plan? Do you have an idea in mind that you know could help a lot of people, create real value in the world, and/or make you some extra bucks or some big bucks? Yet, for some reason, you have yet to make a move on your master plan. You have an idea in mind but nothing to show for it. Well here are the 5 ways to Stop simply Thinking of a Master Plan and Start Doing!

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The Power of The Word when it's Written, the Spoken Word and Unsung thoughts that fill our mind. Imagine with me a few scenarios and you tell me just how powerful words really are in life.

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