If you are interested in a career as a public speaker you are probably also interested in creating great, memorable presentations. I always aim to leave my audiences with exciting moments and quotable knowledge that they have to repeat for the rest of there lives. If you want to leave a positive lasting impression on your audience, below are 3 Tips I have used to always create a Powerful Presentation as a Public Speaker.
1. Honesty
Be Honest, clear and straightforward. You can only stand firm if you stand on your personal truth. Don't be shy! Share what you know. But, also be flexible and open-minded. You will learn so much as a Public Speaker, you will learn while preparing and researching for talks and you will learn while you're in the midst with your audiences. Be ready to learn and Use your truth and journey as an example in a speech for others to learn from.
2. Authenticity
Be YOU! No one can be you like you can be you! Lol. You are totally Unique and you should use that onstage! In Public Speaking it is what you say, but it is also the way you say it. Know who you are as a person. What gets you fired up and passionate? What are your personal annoyances? What could throw you off? What turns you on? Use who you are in your speeches, showcase You. Use a range of emotions in your presentation, paint the picture of your truth.
3. Loving and Valuing PEOPLE
I am very serious when I say a public speaker should love their audience. The reason there should be true yet gentle love for the audience is so that the speaker is always speaking to that audience's Best Interest! I believe with a stage comes responsibility. As a public speaker, your highest aim should be to create value for your audience members. Value your audiences time and value their mere presence, add to them a good word that will benefit.
Bonus tip
For longer talks use less of your Falsetto and Head voice and Use more of your Chest Voice. Breathe from your diaphragm and speak from a strong deep place. It is said that audiences widely associate deep, soulful, Chest voices with Power. All and all, Use wisely what works for you. be authentic, be honest, love the people you speak to, and add value to their lives.
--Laneece aka Coach Lyfe