Emotions can range.
But of course you don't want your emotions to be out of control. Just remember no matter what you are feeling, it is ok to feel that way and you can move on and get better no matter what.
I want you to be all that you can be, the best! But honestly, You have to be able to believe that who You are and what you are doing is the best for you right now! You have to be grateful for Where you are Now to move to the next level. If you believe you can or should be doing better= go do what you think you should be doing! IF you are capable of doing it, go, learn!
But, NO MATTER WHAT, don't let your emotions cause you to get stressed out, Worried, or Any Other UnHealthy Emotion! You know the list of unhealthy emotions. We don't need to list them. Focus on What You Can Do to get Better instead of focusing on negative emotions. Break your life goals down into 3 Ideas=
1. Where you are now= The Phase
2. Where you want to be= The Vision
3. What you Do daily= The Journey
If when you look at your situation and you don't see what you'd like to see yet, remember where you are is simply a Phase. Things will Change, Regardless, Change is Inevitable! So don't get stuck looking at where you are now= The Phase, start looking at what you are doing= The Journey. What steps are you taking on your journey? What habits are you practicing and where will those habits taking you? Create a Vision that excites you! Create a future that you are excited to move towards every day and write it down!