"Planning without Action is Futile, But Action without Planning is Fatal" --Unknown
Once you actually have a plan for any goal, the BEST thing you can do is take immediate action on that plan. There is really no point in putting together a plan if you're not going to put the "pedal to the metal" as they say and start actually moving forward towards your goals! Habits are a great way to take regular action. When you decide to 'make a habit' of something positive, you can be sure to eventually see some positive change! When you are striving implement new habits, remember these 3 tips:
1. Exchange your will power for why power!
Remember: What you do everyday will determine who you will become. It is true! But you don't want to continue to force yourself so roughly that you deplete your ego. Ego depletion happens when you totally exhaust your will power. Exchanging your will power for why power simply means you understand Why you are doing what you do! This is an idea that I learned from Darren Hardy in one of my favorite books, "The Compound Effect". Don't beat yourself down and only use your willpower to pull you through. Create a strong Why Statement that Pushes you through when you remember Why You are Doing What you Do!
2. Track Your Habits
When you track your habits, you will create a visual for yourself that is actual evidence of your growth. "Accurate monitoring helps determine whether a habit is worth the time, money or energy it consumes" --Gretchen Rubin. Get yourself a calendar, print out a printable blank calendar, or use a blank notebook page and track a habit that you are striving to implement.
3. Make your new habits Fun and Convenient!
Prepare to make your new habits as convenient as possible. How automatic can you make your new habits? Try to attach your new habits to old rituals that you already have to create sticking power with this new habit. And remember to make this new habit fun. You are taking action with positive habits as a benefit to yourself! Not as a punishment! Make it as enjoyable to complete the task as possible. Find small or big rewards within completing habits. Stick to rewards that reinforce your new good habits. Don't negate all of your good work by rewarding yourself with something that sets you back! Reward yourself in a positive way that further propels you towards your goals.