I am getting better everyday! Today I am better than I was yesterday!
I literally have to start saying my affirmations out loud to myself in the mirror. The more you do it, the more it can help, period.______ lol!
Ok, it's obvious that I totally believe in the power of the spoken word. But let's break it dooooooooooown...
Imagine with me...
Imagine a young me. Imagine a young Lyfe sitting in class at the 99% black elementary school, cute, chubby, and happy, and totally surprised when the class clown stands up to read his totally eccentric and undeniably catchy song for what was supposed to be poem day. It was his words that touched her.
Now imagine that young Lyfe's Mama back at home, Mama Lynn. Imagine the real emotional response she has when reading the neatly opened mail. Imagine that the words on that page read something like "your daughter will owe over $120,000 in student loans." But a Mama has got to support that smart, budding Lyfe, right?! If your child needed it (((arguably))), wouldn't you try to provide? But it was the words "late payments" on the page that hurt her.
Now imagine the thoughts a young Lyfe would think about itself when the only way it sees the world is through ugly poopy colored goggles. "You aren't good enough; you aren't helping enough! Your not doing the shit that Needs to be Done!" Just some of the thoughts that plague that young Lyfe's mind.
The Power of the word when it's spoken; the electricity of the word when it's written; the hypnotizing nature of the unsung song. It's REAL!
But because it's real, I learned that I can and will use this to my advantage.
I take very seriously when I Speak to young audiences in schools and churches, I speak about planning life long goals and I mean every moment of what I am saying.
I take very seriously Writing Down My Goals because like the great legend of personal development, Mr. Tony Robbins said, "writing a goal down is the first step in turning the invisible, visible"
I take very seriously what I say and know about myself and How I choose to Address the Greatness that I am in My Mind! I choose to nurture my greatness like only I can for myself! Nurture your greatness! What do you say about yourself? Speak positivity and you will begin to notice more to be positive about!