01 Oct

Old ugly habits 

Over eating, procrastination, smoking, swearing, biting finger nails, fidgeting, picking your nose, picking your hair, drinking coffee, drinking tea, drinking soda, saying the word “like”, spending money frivolously, poor posture, the list goes on and on!  There are plenty of bad habits and I'm willing to guess that most of us have dealt with multiple bad habits that we either strive to correct or shrug our shoulders to.

I have old ugly habits that Do Not help me in my life, just like anyone else!  I can no longer continue to shrug my shoulders when it comes to any bad habit, no matter how big or small.  For me it's really about becoming the best version of myself!  I can't become the best version of me if I am continually holding on to old ugly habits and old ugly ways.  If you continue to hold on to your old ways you won't have room to pick up new ways that could propel you towards where you want to be in life.

One old ugly habit is my nasty nail biting.  See the following pictures at your own discretion! I have bitten my nails for as long as I can remember.  Recently, I have came to the realization that this is really a nasty habit!!  In order to be all that I want to be in this world I can't be caught chewing on the edges of my fingers!!  That's not the picture and the vision that I have for myself.  Nail biting comes off as nervousness and it is really an unclean habit.  Writing all the 

For 21 days I used an app called Strides to track my nasty habit.  Using my IPhone, I set Hourly reminders using the Strides app to remind me Not to bite my nails!

Darren Hardy, personal development tycoon and author of the awesome book The Compound Effect says you should tack one habit for at least a week, ideally 3 Weeks/ 21 Days.

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