Plan Your Success Today

“If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.”

Jim Rohn

Thinking of a Master Plan?

Maybe when you look into your future it's a bit fuzzy. Or maybe you can't seem to manage the situation you are in right now and you want help developing good habits.

Maybe you do have a vision for your future...but you aren't exactly sure how to achieve it...

Are you achieving the things you want for your life?
Do you have goals to be debt free or to travel the world?
Do you have a PLAN?

If you’re like most people, you probably have Goals, but no actual Plan…
You want to see change in your life but you don’t really know how to
achieve amazing worthwhile goals and change bad habits that keep you where you are now and don't take you to where you truly want to be in life.

This was the problem that I had.

Hey ya'll, my name is Laneece Patterson mostly known as Coach Lyfe now. I started my career in a totally different place. I knew in my heart there were goals that I wanted to achieve, but in being honest with myself I realized I wasn't really on path to get what I truly wanted and desired out of life.
It all started for me after I graduated from Grad school and ended up not receiving my master's degree because I didn't finish my thesis paper. I was devastated. I ended up dealing with extremely deep depression because of it. I even dealt with suicidal thoughts, telling myself I wasn't even good enough to live. (I talk about this more in my "Coach Lyfe Blogs", writing is like therapy for me...)
After all the work I put into my life, I felt worthless. But why? I had to ask myself if this life was really what I wanted?!!? To get a degree and end up in some 9-5, working all day everyday. That was the track I was on, but it wasn't what I imagined for my future...

When I started to learn that I could create my own track in life, this was a revolutionary thought for me! I was superrrr on track in other peoples eyes, I already had a Bachelors degree, I was working full time at a hospital. But, I was STRUGGLING! Life did not look and feel the way I imagined that it could!

So, I started to design my own life vision, writing everything down, painting the picture of my new future, I created a life plan...

The premiere course that I have created is designed to help you see your future clearly, and not only visualize your greatness, but stop bad habits, and implement new habits to help you achieve your vision.
I am Extremely Serious about helping my clients Plan their life goals because I see the Results! I see the Big difference between the person who actually has a List of Goals they want to achieve in their life and the person who doesn't! 

The person who has an actual list of personal goals is always more clear and feels that they are on their way to success; the person without a list of personal goals is usually working for someone else or unhappy with their current situation and is looking for change.

If this resonates with you, take the easy course! Plan your own life goals starting today. Remember: Success doesn't just happen, it's planned for. Take some of the steps I personally took to actually plan and achieve your life long goals.

--Laneece aka Coach Lyfe
Click 'Coach Lyfe Blogs' to read more today :-)
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Planning is building a chain of action steps. If you plan effectively, you can reduce the necessary effort by knowing how your time, money, or other resources are being used within that Plan. A plan is like a map! Working with an accountability coach like myself will not only help you create a map for your life, but actually use the map to take you where you want to go.

Most people have #Goals but don’t have an effective Plan that they are confident in.


Where you are now? Have you come to grips with where you are now in relation to your goal?

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The Journey. Are you ready to take the right route and the necessary steps to achieve your Goals?

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The Goal itself. Do you have a Clear picture of where you want to go?

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The Problem is most people are stuck having #Goals but no plan to achieve those goals! And most people haven’t carefully examined the above 3 Key Parts to achieving their goal or thoroughly answered those 3 above questions to even begin the planning process!

Unfortunately, most people are comfortable saying things like: “…when I become a millionaire…” “…when I hit the lottery…” “…when I finally achieve my goals, then I’ll be on my way…” but the truth is you can create a plan that takes you where you want to go. You don't need to rely on chance or mere luck.

Ready to Stop Thinking about the life you could have and Start Doing...


Would an engineer begin to build a car without a blueprint? Answer: Nope. Did you know that there are months (0-72months) of market research done before any exterior or interior Sketches of the car are ever Drawn or begun?

Did you know before any airplane can leave an airport, whether it is a private jet or your standard commercial airplane, the pilot must first submit a flight plan to an overseeing system, called the tower, before take off.

Licensed commercial pilot Robert Chandler wrote an article on why pilots must file a flight plan, “…you must file a flight plan so that air traffic control, ATC, knows you are coming, when you plan to leave, where you are planning to go, as well as the route and altitude you are requesting…” It is not enough to simply know the destination of the trip, they must submit a Plan for their own safety.


Would the city you live in let you begin to build a house without a Plan? Answer: Of course not. You must have permits which require you to submit a Plan to the department of building, and you may only begin to build once those Plans are approved.


Why do most people not have a plan for their own life? Answer: They are not sure how to make one…

REMEMBER Success Leaves Clues…

So many successful people have written books on, and given talks about the importance of PLANNING your own future. Still don’t believe in the power of planning, just look at results! Look at the results of people who have planned and followed their own life plan for success verses people you may know who drift through life with no plan for their day let alone a plan for their life long goals…

If what you’ve read here resonates with you in any way, then take advantage of a program that has the power to help you plan those life long goals…

Breaking old ugly habits can be hard, but very rewarding when you can push through and finally see some results. Here, I discuss some of the old ugly habits I have struggled with breaking.

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Intermittent Fasting, Toning, AND Building Muscle...How it all works together for me

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I Love you, Lanaya! Thank you for always being such a great helper, always!!

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My 60 day body transformation!! I still have a way to go to get to my goals. But, I feel so accomplished! I've pushed through and I've made it to 60 Days :-)

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The Mindset I had to develop to achieve my Goals, Goals, #GOALS

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I'm excited, this Sloppy to Shapely journey has really fired me back up in ways I didn't think it would. I absolutely recommend that you go on a journey to transform yourself too!

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Take a Leap of Faith Today. A Call to action!

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I'm working out to feel lighter, free, and more confident in my bikini! I want to have nice definition in my body and be proud of what I have! I only get one body, so I want to make it the best I can!

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I am getting better everyday! Today I am better than I was yesterday!

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  • Pittsburgh, PA, USA


If we are meeting in person please disregard. If you've chosen to complete coaching online you will need a Working phone or laptop with the ability to view websites and play videos.


Whether your goals are clearly defined or not it is ok either way. We will need to work on clearly defined goals that we will use to build a detailed action plan.

Open Mind

An open mind is important "you can't fix a problem with the same mind that created it"...

Ready To Change Your Life

If you've read this far you most likely have the urge to change, the question is are you ready to take actual steps to change your life.


You must be ready and willing to make the commitment. I can not force you, but I will work with you to gain the best results